John Legend

'An Evening With John Legend' is currently on the road where John Legend performs solo on the piano and tells intimate stories of his life and music. Immanent was asked to create an elegant visual package to highlight the music and bring to life these conversations.
Creative Director: Rob English
Exec Creative Producer: Ashaya Robinson
Producer: Lee Loechler
Story By: John Legend
Immanent Team:
Content Director: Drew Best
Content Producer: Tara LaPlante
CG Artists: Cameron Leahy, Colin Strang, Ofer Zmora
Video Operators: VJ Culture, Kyle Glaser
Tour Manager: John Warren
Production Manager: Chris Stinebrink
Lighting Designer: Hal Deiter
JOHN LEGEND ‘Love In Las Vegas’ The Residency
Zappos Theater @ Planet Hollywood
Immanent recently completed work with John Legend and his creative team Friends At Work on his new residency show “Love In Las Vegas”. The visual theme follows the story of John’s life, from his beginnings in the gospel church to the big stage in Vegas. We created the visual environments using Unreal Engine with DMX control via a GrandMA lighting console to light and sequence animation in real time. This allows us to get perfect colors matched with the stage lighting and scenic props. The show will run on and off this year so check it out next time you’re in Las Vegas!
Creative Director: Rob English
Exec Creative Producer: Ashaya Robinson
Creative Producer: L.J. Alexandre-Strong
Production Design: Alec Spear
Visual Content Director: Drew Best
Visual Content Producer: Tara LaPlante
Unreal Engine Artist + Operator: Colin Strang
Unreal Engine Visual Artists: Ben Leonard, Sean Bowes
Unreal Engine Programmer: Brandon Rosado
Unreal Engine GrandMA Programmer: Josh Lowenstein
3D Modeler: Jon Narmour
disguise Programming: Dan Gentile
Video + Lighting Production: LMG Touring
Lighting Design: TJ Hoover, Kevin, Josh Lowenstein
Artistic Director: Jemel McWilliams
Music Director: Eugene ManMan Roberts
Art Director: Jess Hundley
John Legend just kicked off his Bigger Love Tour with an incredible production. IMMANENT was hired by @friendsatwork to create the Garden Of Eden / Afrofuturism / James Turrell inspired stage visual content to match the set design. We used Unreal Engine in combination with a GrandMA console to control the graphics in real time during previz. It was an honor to work alongside so many talented creative individuals bringing this production to life. The band is fantastic and John Legend is such an amazing talent. Be sure to catch the show!
Creative Direction: Rob English @friendsatwork and Ashaya Robinson @humminbyrd
Creative Producer: @hathantik89
Production Design: @alecspear
Visual Content @immanent_vj
Visual Director: @drewsmog
Visual Creative Director: @benleonardart
Visual Producer: @taralaplante_
Unreal Engine Programmer / Artist: @virtuosoceo
Unreal Engine GrandMA Programmer: @pjcarruth
Visual Artist:
Visual Artist: @cadenmilligan
Lighting Co-design and Programming: @joshlowenstein.ld
Lighting Director: Hal Dieter
Lighting from @upstaging_inc
Lighting Crew Cheif: @stinkyr0se
disguise Programming: @mightbecharles @dan.gentile
Video Production: @lmgtouring
Choreography: @jemelmcwilliams
Costume & Stylist: @davethomasstyle
Production Manager: Chris Stinebrink
Staging: @gallagherstaging