Jazmine Sullivan


Grammy Award-winning R&B icon Jazmine Sullivan is currently touring festivals to support her latest album “Heaux Tales, Mo’ Tales: The Deluxe”. Immanent worked with Creative Director Fullout Cortland to tell the visual story of bringing down man made walls in order to pave way for a new architecture. A minimal art structure appears and this transforms into many colors and moods throughout the show. At the height of the show it is filled with water and flowers. Eventually the water drains out of the structure and it turns red, creating a moody and sexy environment. The structure turns brilliant blue and sets on fire into a beautiful blue flame. The flame subsides and purple rain comes pouring down to reveal the finale; a bright sun filled valley of flowers and growth.


Creative Director / Choreographer: Fullout Cortland

Lighting Designer/Programmer: Ryan King

Visual Content By: IMMANENT


Immanent Team: 

Content Director: Drew Best

Content Producer: Tara LaPlante

UE / 3D Artists: Colin Strang, Cameron Leahy, CtrldChaos, Ben Leonard, and Ofer Zmora

Programmer / Editor: Romario Rivera


Production Manager: Ben Melman

Management: STATE OF THE ART, Zsuzsa Cook